2008年12月22日 星期一



電影原聲帶 】Les Chevaliers Du Ciel 空中殺陣
定居德國柏林的搖滾音樂家克里斯.康勒(Chris Corner)是英國音樂奇才,十五歲就和好友Liam Howe 在英國瑞丁共同創建了「壞心鴇母(Sneaker Pimps)」樂團,除了創作詞曲,同時也是樂團主唱,公認是「壞心鴇母」樂團的當家台柱。 這張《空中殺陣》專輯是他首度從事電影原聲帶的創作,拍過《TAXI終極殺陣》的導演傑哈.畢雷斯擅長表現流線動感,《空中殺陣》更是法國主力戰機幻象2000為主角,有鉤心鬥角的商業與國防角力,同時還有空中追逐的戰機表演,克里斯打造的節奏分明的電子搖滾樂聲,從一開始的《ATTACK 61》和《WE RISE》,讓人一聽就有腎上腺素開始在體內流竄的興奮感,飛翔的動感更在快速的節奏中飄揚來去,宛如重溫了《捍衛戰士》的男兒陽剛氣息。 更特別的是風格多變的克里斯在這張專輯中另外和他的事業夥伴兼女友蘇.丹寧(Sue Denim )合唱了「GIRL TALK 」與「YOU’RE THE CONVERSATION(I’M THE GAME)」兩首曲子,曲調委婉、細緻又柔情,恰恰填補了電影中不可缺少的兒女情長感情,也讓這張原聲帶有了更多值得收藏的魅力。 01. Attack 61 02. We Rise 03. Into The Fire 04. Gonna Wanna 05. Sugar Jukebox 06. Girl Talk 07. Cockpit Inferno 08. You’Re The Conversation (I’M The Game) 09. The Crawl 10. The Clash 11. 14th Of July 12. Heaven Is Inside You 13. You’Re The Conversation (I’M The Game) (Original Version)

演唱者 : THIRTEEN SENSES歌 曲 : Into The Fire歌 詞 :Come on, come onPut your hands into the fireExplain, explainAs I turn and meet the powerThis time, this timeTurning white and senses direPull up, pull upFrom one extreme to anotherFrom the summer to the springFrom the mountain to the airFrom Samaritan to sinAnd it's waiting on the endCome on, come onPut your hands into the fireExplain, explainAs I turn and meet the powerThis time, this timeTurning white and sense direPull up, pull upFrom one extreme to anotherFrom the summer to the springFrom the mountain to the airFrom Samaritan to sinAnd it's waiting on the endAnd now I'm alone I'm looking out, I'm looking inWay down, the lights are dimmerNow I'm alone I'm looking out , I'm looking inWay down, the lights are dimmerOooohCome on, come onPut your hands into the fireCome on, come on

